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Ethan Gatchalian
Perth, Australia

On March 5, 2021, 14-Year-old Ethan was diagnosed with Non Germinoma Germ Cell Tumor, a form of brain cancer that’s located in his pineal gland. He started his meditation program with Unified Realms after his surgery in July 2021. It was a 20-minute session every day for six months and in January of 2022, he rang the bell and was declared cancer free.

Giusy Magri
Twins Music
New York and Italy

My first meditation experience began with Unified Realm’s guide Kate. The sole reason was to get help in one important issue at this phase in my life – insomnia. After just a few sessions, I learned how to relax all my contracted muscles through guided imagery and learned to release tensions in my body. The different UR guided meditation programs were very effective for me in taking less time to fall asleep. My habit of waking up in the middle of the night’s lessened and I have experienced more nights of uninterrupted sleep since then. Also, the breathwork I learned through these sessions improved the quality of my breathing so much so that my snoring issues have improved as well. I am looking forward to this wellness journey as a new way of life and highly recommend Unified Realms guided meditations for anyone who wants to experience significant changes to their overall wellbeing.

Ho incominciato con Unified Realm’s guide, Kate l’ esperienza della meditazione per provare a risolvere vari problemi, primo tra tutti l’insomnia. Dopo poche sessioni ho imparato a rilassare tutte le contratture muscolari che avevo nel corpo e migliorare la mia respirazione. Questo mi ha aiutato a mettere meno tempo per addormentarmi. Anche la qualita’ della respirazione e’ migliorata risolvendo il problema del russamento. Continuero’ il mio viaggio con la meditazione thanks to Unified Realms e raccomando a tutti di inserire ala meditatzione come una practica fondamentale per migliorare la qualita’ della propria vita.


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